What’s On the Political Menu for Remarketers?

A general CAR session featuring experienced lobbyists and advocates  will look at the most relevant and urgent regulatory matters facing consignors, auctions, financial services, and remarketing businesses. From (L to R): Andrea Amico, moderator; Leah Dempsey, Catherine Boland, and Kenny Hulshof.

Photos: Speakers / Graphic: Martin Romjue, Bobit

The old political adages about politics always being interested in you, and if you’re not at the table you are on the menu, never stop applying to businesses and industries.

Remarketing gets no exemption from the realities of government rules and regulations, which can directly affect a company’s revenues and business livelihoods.

At the Conference of Automotive Remarketing, a general session will look at the most relevant and urgent regulatory matters facing consignors, auctions, financial services, and remarketing businesses. The session will be held Thursday, March 29 at 3 p.m. during the conference at Caesars Palace Las Vegas.

“The session is about learning how industries can best engage Washington, D.C. and key state capitals, as well as the hot issues affecting automotive remarketing,” said panel moderator Andrea Amico, founder of Privacy4Cars.com and co-chair of the Education and Compliance Committee of the International Automotive Remarketers Alliance (IARA). The IARA is a co-producer of the CAR event.

Attendees will learn about the importance of advocacy and political involvement with Congress and federal legislation, and the administrative agencies of the executive branch. It’s all about finding ways to get the voices and influence of remarketers heard in the federal government.

Amico will lead an engaging discussion with experienced lobbyists and advocates who can explain how current events and government policies directly affect an industry’s success. Panelists include:

  • KBS Group Partner and Chairman Kenny C. Hulshof, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1997-2009 representing Missouri’s Ninth Congressional District. He was appointed by then-Speaker Newt Gingrich to the powerful Ways and Means Committee and served on this prestigious committee during his entire congressional tenure. He also served on the House Health and Trade subcommittees, as well as the Budget Committee. Since joining KBS Group in 2015, Hulshof has worked with clients including national leaders in renewable energy, the largest domestic airline carrier in the U.S., a Power 5 athletic conference, and the nation’s largest transporter of finished vehicles and logistics.
  • Catherine Boland, the Vice President of Legislative Affairs for MEMA, the Vehicle Suppliers Association, where she manages the association’s efforts to work closely with Congress to accomplish the legislative priorities of MEMA and its affiliates. Her duties include leading the lobbying efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. She joined MEMA in September 2005 as director of government affairs based in the association’s Washington, D.C. office. Previously, she spent almost 10 years on Capitol Hill, most recently serving as a legislative assistant for former Sen. George V. Voinovich (R-Ohio) in his Washington, D.C., office.
  • Leah Dempsey, shareholder and attorney, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP, who navigates financial services industry participants and businesses through the rulemaking, regulatory and legislative processes, and helps enact necessary reforms to laws and regulations. Dempsey advocates before the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, National Credit Union Administration, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, Department of Labor, the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the  Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as several other financial services and other regulators. 

The Conference of Automotive Remarketing, held in partnership with the International Automotive Remarketers Alliance and the National Auto Auction Association, will take place March 28-30 at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, and includes a full agenda and exhibit hall spanning consignment, auction operations, industry economics and politics, auto transport, electric vehicles, digital technology, automotive recon, professional training, industry outlooks, and more.


Originally posted on Vehicle Remarketing

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